send request

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 I Want to send some data to my domain 

i successfully make it C# , i want to make same in DAQFactroy 

how I can make it 

C# code:

public partial class Form3 : Form
        string send_request(int id, int nmore, int nless, double wmore, double wless, double diffm, double diffl)

            string html = string.Empty;
            string url = @"";
            url += id;
            url += "&nmore=" + nmore;
            url += "&nless=" + nless;
            url += "&wmore=" + wmore;
            url += "&wless=" + wless;
            url += "&diffm=" + diffm;
            url += "&diffl=" + diffl;

            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip;

            using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
            using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                html = reader.ReadToEnd();

            return html;
        public Form3()


        private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)

            label1.Text = send_request(1, int.Parse(TWEIGHTNO_M.Text), int.Parse(TWEIGHTNO_L.Text), double.Parse(TWEIGHT_M.Text), double.Parse(TWEIGHT_L.Text), double.Parse(DIFFWEIGHT_M.Text), double.Parse(DIFFWEIGHT_L.Text));



how i can write same code in Daqfactory 





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Create a sequence function called send_request:

function  send_request(id, nmore,  nless, wmore,  wless, diffm, diffl)
            private string html
            private string url = ""
            url += id
            url += "&nmore=" + nmore
            url += "&nless=" + nless
            url += "&wmore=" + wmore
            url += "&wless=" + wless
            url += "&diffm=" + diffm

function  send_request(id, nmore,  nless, wmore,  wless, diffm, diffl)
  private string html
  private string url = ""
  url += id
  url += "&nmore=" + nmore
  url += "&nless=" + nless
  url += "&wmore=" + wmore
  url += "&wless=" + wless
  url += "&diffm=" + diffm
  url += "&diffl=" + diffl

Something like that.  You might want to add error handling (try/catch) around the http.get().  Note that DAQFactory does not support gZip compression on web pages with http.get() so you'll have to tell your server to not compress.  Of course if you are only posting data, you probably don't care what the response is so can just ignore it.


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