Sequence AUTO Start not working


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Hi Guru,

I am reading Modbus device parameters. wrote sequence of group read (because further i have to add many devices) as per shown in user guide. it is starting Capturing data after entering in Development mode and BEGIN Sequence manually.  Sequence is not starting automatically on starting of application, AUTO START is Checked. Application attached. Thank you.

Group Read.ctl

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On opening document, it starts in runtime, then i am switching over to development. that time 'switch to Safe mode' (having red icon) option is enable, so i can say its not starting in safe mode. i checked again but still no change in result. I noticed that in another document also it not starting, after starting it manually, it stops after some time. Anything else to check?

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Also, check the Command / Alert.  Keep it visible when you come out of Safe mode.

Error handling is done with try/catch blocks similar to many programming languages.  For example:

      // do something
      ? strLastError // display last error in command / alert
   delay(1) // always put the delay outside the error handling

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