DAQFactory cannot find LabJack.dll


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Reading and graphing an analog input from a LabJack UE3 works fine. However, trying to set anything through an edit box results in this error message:

C1033 Unable to load device driver LabJack.dll, check file path.

However, LabJack.dll is in the same directory as DAQFactory. I am using Release 5.40. What gives?

Regards, Joerg


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My guess is that when you created your output channels you accidentally selected the LabJack_U12 device instead of the LabJack device. The LabJack.dll file is for the U12 only. DAQFactory can't load it because you probably don't have the low-level U12 drivers installed. Why would you when you are using a U3? The DF driver for the U3 (and UE9) is LabJackN.dll. Anyhow, go to your channel table and select the "LabJack" device instead of "LabJack_U12"

I should add that the error message has been updated in newer releases of DAQFactory to be a bit clearer. In general, though not in your case, if you see an unable to load device driver error than you most likely forgot to install the drivers from LabJack, available from there downloads page. These drivers are pretty much required no matter what software you use. It may be a little confusing as DAQFactory has a LabJack driver DLL, but it in turn communicates with the LabJack driver from LabJack. So really you need two drivers, the one that comes with DAQFactory (LabJackN for U3 / UE9, and LabJack.dll for U12), and the one from LabJack.com (labjackUD.dll for U3/UE9, and LJackUW.dll for U12). Both are included on the CD as long as you run both the LabJack and DAQFactory installers.

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Thanks. I had selected LabJack (not U12) and the LabJackUD.dll is installed under the Windows/System32 directory so should be found. LabJackN.dll is also present. There was a problem, however, with the install CD that came with the LabJack. DAQFactory wanted to install itself over and over again and interrupting that was greeted with some kind of roll-back uninstaller. I've posted that problem in the U3 forum so they know. LabJack support then suggested to install from their site instead which worked.

The DAQFActory version is 5.40. I just got it a few days ago but it seems it may not be the latest. It's got some other issues (like D0050 errors).

Regards, Joerg


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