profibus from hilsher CIF50 PCI card?


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I like your product and i think about it seriously. But i didnt find anything about profibus protocol.

The problem is that we have a hilscher profibus pci card and we like to take some measurements with

profibus protocol and show the procesed data into a scada panel PC. To be more specific our data came from an industrial PC which takes the speed, rate and total rate from a conveyor belt and output them via a profibus cable to the hilscher card. Those data are collected from an OPC server and show them to a scada panel PC.

So is it possible to do that with daqfactory?

If yes please contact with me.


ektwr hellas ;)

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So are you saying that you already have an OPC server for the profibus card? If so, then DAQFactory can simply pull the data from the OPC server. If not, then I'd need to get the exact manufacturer and part # for the card, and if possible the manual or a link to the product. If its a PCI card then it must have come with some sort of drivers. It is very likely that DAQFactory can communicate with these drivers using the extern() functions, but I need to see more specifics on the product to explain exactly how that would be done.

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We already have the sycon product with the hilscher pci card CIF50. The sycon profibus driver provides OPC server output so i do believe that daqfactory can support us as a small scada. The only dificult part is that the output data like e.x. the speed are came to us in a two bytes in HEX float numbering format with the little indian adressing consist of the MSB and LSB part. The logical AND of those parts gives us a variable like e.x. $speed_1 in a string type like this:

S1 = Hex($Speed_LSB) & Hex($Speed_MSB)

the HEX string came from this formula are input to a DLL file which makes the conversion like :

$InputDLLSpeed_1= S1

the output from the DLL is the real DATA speed

So Is it possible to do that in daqfactory?


ektwr hellas

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I ve just download daqfactory trial version.

I will install it to the real working environment on Thursday. I will write the OPC output strings and numbers

and we will communicate with you not earlier than next monday. I will appreciate you immidiate answers and your consern.

Thank you

ektwr hellas

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