nice feature for DAQFactory?


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I have experience with other SCADA app's. And i'm missing a feature withing DAQFactory. DAQFactory shows errors when you're in developer mode, but this information is not logged in a file somewhere, something which other SCADA app's does. This would be a nice debugger tool to analyse problems at customer side for example.

Just logging the error information to file, and it would also be great when the user actions are written there also. Which button they've pushed etc, navigation to page etc.

Just a feature to think about,

greetings Bart

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Actually, you can log alerts. See section 14.3 (Other features -> Alerts) of the user's guide. As for user actions, you can easily implement this yourself by simply creating a sequence that logs an event and calling it from all your buttons. Really it comes down to design philosophy. Other SCADA apps I suppose try and do things for you, but you are limited to whatever and however they implemented it. DAQFactory certainly offers a lot of higher level features, but many things are done with basic script giving you the ultimate in flexibility. You can do just about anything and you can do it the way you want, not the way our programmers thought you might want it.

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It should, yes. Also remember that strAlert is a global string variable containing the last 100 alerts. You can display this in a table, or variable value component, or put it in an export set using strAlert[0]. For logging sets, you should follow the directions in the user manual under 14.3 as I mentioned as logging sets work a little different.

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