Insert() and expression in value text box

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I am new to DAQFactory. In our project one of the task is to repeat water leakage status from Modbus to a remote LCD display via a serial link. We encounter a problem:

1. We need to construct a 101 characters string and then send it to the LCD. We use the function Insert() to append an 'A' for an leakage alarm and a 'X' for normal. Like this:

Global string Vehicle = "N"

					if (Alarm_1 >= 0)
						Vehicle = Insert(Vehicle,1,"A")
						Vehicle = Insert(Vehicle,1,"A")				  

					if (Alarm_2 >= 0)
						Vehicle = Insert(Vehicle,2,"A")
						Vehicle = Insert(Vehicle,2,"A")				  


					if (Alarm_100 >= 0)
						Vehicle = Insert(Vehicle,100,"A")
						Vehicle = Insert(Vehicle,100,"A")				  

To monitor the result, we use a variable value and type Vehicle in the Expression, no unit and precision = 0.

Nothing happens.

2. To assure the insert() function is working, we type another sequence:

Global string New_Vehicle = "ABCDE"
				  Global string New_Vehicle1 = ""

				  New_Vehicle1 = Insert(New_Vehicle,3,"abc")

We use another variable value and type New_Vehicle1 in the Expression, no unit and precision = 0.

Nothing happens.

3. However, if we type directly Insert(New_Vehicle,3,"abc") in the Expression of variable value, we got:


It confuses us a lot. What thing we have done wrong?

Best Regards,


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well, first you are not really inserting, but rather adding to the end of the string, so I don't think Insert() is the correct function to use. You can just use +, which concats two strings. Also, you can make the script a lot less painful by doing something like this:

Global string Vehicle = "N"

for (private i = 1, i < 101, i++)
   if (evaluate("Alarm_" + i + " >= 0"))
	  Vehicle += "A"
	  Vehicle += "X"

or even better:

Global string Vehicle = "N"
for (private i = 1, i < 101, i++)
   Vehicle += iif(evaluate("Alarm_" + i + " >= 0"), "A", "X")

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