Displaying a different symbol based on a value.


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7.19.1 Displaying a different symbol based on a value: I need to set something like that, but instead of having to click on the button to toggle the symbols. I want that they changed automatically based on a channel's output values.

If the channel's output [0] is different from channel's output [1], should show the green button, instead the red button.

Is that possible?

Thank you in advance.

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Its the exact same thing, just don't create an Action for the symbol control.

Truthfully, even when you are controlling an output, which image is getting displayed is based on the current channel value, not the Action. The Action changes the value, but the image doesn't change until the channel changes value. This is because you don't want the symbol to change if DAQFactory could not successfully change the output, say because of a communications failure.

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