Loging data into FoxPro database


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My name is Radu Harceaga eng. Our company management wants to change our SCADA softwares and i am in charge of testing DAQFactory. The experience with DAQFactory has been excelent so far but i am havein the following issue:

I want to log data into a FoxPro database and create in FoxPro an application with charts, grid, reports......

When i log data in the database the time coloum is numeric and the format is not datetime. how can i manage this problem? And i wanted also to insert a new coloum with the ID for each row(i did this in FoxPro) and when i wanted to start my DAQFactory project i received an error in which allerts me that DAQFactory can not open the tabel.

How can i solve my problems?

Thank you!

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A logging set uses some rather fixed formatting and is not designed for flexibility. If you want the flexibility you desire in your ODBC logging (foxpro), you should use some very basic script using the Db. functions, especially the db.execute() function. With db.execute() you can write your own SQL commands to log the data in whatever format you want. You'll also need db.open() to open the database, and I suppose db.close(). Most of the other db. functions are for querying so you won't need them.

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The default format is seconds since 1970 (or, if Excel time is checked, decimal days since 1900). If you want to format it another way, you are going to have to use the db.execute() functions and use the formatdatetime() function to format the time the way you want it.

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