Licence and licence transfer


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How does licensing DAQFactory work? How can I move a runtime license or develper from one computer to another? Assuming that a computer is broken and you can not access data on it and there we have a runtime license or developer how can i use the license used for that computer? we licence the computer or the files on that computer?


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The computer is licensed, but you can move development licenses by reusing the 15 letter key you receive when you purchased and going to the old computer (if its still functioning) and selecting Tools - Remove Development license. There is a limit to how many times you can do this before you have to email us. If you need to move the license often, you should purchase the Hardware Key option, which is only $40 and is quite handy because you can put a development license on it, then insert the key into a computer with a runtime license, switch to development mode, make edits, save and pull the key all without stopping the application or installing any extra software. It is included with DAQFactory Developer.

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  • 2 years later...

I upgraded my license from Basic to Pro and tried to transfer license to my new hardware key (tool, transfer license to USB hardware key), but was unsuccessful, My operating system, Windows 7 Prof.

That menu remained disabled when clicked to transfer. How can I confirm when it's transferred?

Thank you,

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I had to re-install windows on my computer, and I need to get my runtime license back onto the computer.

I tried to sign into my account, but the old email is no good, so I need to sign in with my current email, but of course-I cant be allowed to do that.

How can I get the Lisence # for the runtime for my comuter. My pro lisence is on a crypt token, but I need the runtime version to keep on updating my document. Without buying a new lisence of course.


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