Radio Knob For Motor Control

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Hi Everybody:

I hope you all had joyful holidays and will see a prospers New Year.

Here is my problem and I was hoping somebody had some eiders.

I would like to create a radio knob that allows me to set the speed (in % of PWM duty cycle) and direction (forward/neutral/reverse) of my motor. Specifically, I would like the knob to look/perform like this: At 12:00 o

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What I'd do is create a Test D to A channel. Call it knobloc or something. Then create your knob with a range of -100 to 100 and have it update this channel. Remember to init knobloc to 0 in your startup sequence. Then in the Event for the knobloc channel, put some code to calc PWMDuty and direction from the latest knobloc value and call setuppwm(). Remember to use knobloc[0] in your calcs.

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