DAQFactory and LJTick-DAC


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I've a LJTick DAC connected on my LabJack U6, wich works fine with the LJTickDAC utility from LabJKack (DAC on FIO0 and FIO1).

When I try to drive the DAC with the DAQFactory example downloaded from LabJack website (DAC on FIO4 and FIO5), the DAC don't work and I get an error message in the command window :

"(...) Communication error with LJTDAC module, wrong number of ACKs received".

The problem remains if I change the LJTDAC slot.

Any idea of what's wrong ?

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No. I'd ask LabJack. The DAQFactory driver really is just a wrapper for the LabJack UD driver, and as such all the functionality is with the UD. This allows LabJack to add new functionality, without having to update DAQFactory, but also means that issues like this typically need to be answered by LabJack. I'll make sure they see this post and we'll figure out what is going on.

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  • 6 months later...


Aplogies for jumping on someone else's bandwagon.

I am also using the LJ Tick-DAC on a UE9. I have downloaded the LJTickDAC utility which works fine. However I'd like to use a button to start a square wave output from the Tick-DAC module (eg 0V for 5 s, 10V for 5s, for a certain number of loops).

I can create the square wave on the internal DAC o/p's but I cannot work out where to add loops and delays into the LJTickDAC utility file.

Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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