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Hi Would you be kind enough to give me some pointers on how to control a couple of relays on a Ethernet I/O module i want to control. I have attached the manual.

Thanks for your help



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Hi regarding my last post, i can run the control box from a test program supplied but not from Daqfactory. I have set up a Device IP port 102 Protocol ModbusRTU. I'm not sure what to set the I/O to i assume Force Coil. I called a channel Relay and set channel to 8 as discrided in the last page of the manual. In command line I set Relay to 071 to turn the relay on but just get time outs. can you give me some ideas on settings. Ultimately I want to be able to control the 2 relays from Daqconnect


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This device does not appear to be a modbus device. You are going to have to figure out what the protocol is. The docs are a bit lacking, so you'll probably want to establish the connection, then using the DF serial monitor try entering direct commands as described (poorly) in the manual.

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Thanks for the pointers, I set up a new device with a NULL protocol ad as suggested and reading the manual I set for relay 1 to turn on with 0711013 and the relay turns on likewise 0701013 turns it off.

My next question is how do I set up two channels to send the string to control the relays bear in mind I eventually want to do it via DaqConnect and also two channels to read the returned string with the status of the relays and inputs ie Rx (15:52:16.690): 48484848484848481310

I'm not sure what to put i the i/o and channel boxes as its not modbus

Thanks as always


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If you are only going to use a couple relays, and you want to use DAQConnect, just skip channels altogether and just create a sequence to do each of the tasks you want. If you want to be more advanced, create a single sequence that sets a specified relay to a specified state. Doing control from DAQConnect requires that you right a event sequence, so that sequence can simply call your relay control sequence.

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Alas I need a little more help, can you give me a example of how I send 0711013 to the port I created and read back from that port.


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The serial/ethernet communication guide (in your start menu / DF directory) covers a lot of this, however, I wouldn't create your own protocol. Just use a sequence. To output that string with a CRLF at the end just do:

device.mydevice.write("0711013" + chr(13) + chr(10))

how you read depends on whether you get a fixed width response, or something delimited, say, by a line feed. If fixed width, say 20 characters, you'd do:

private string in

in =

If delimited by a line feed (ascii 10):

private string in

in = device.mydevice.readuntil(10)

Either way, you should probably purge before the write():


to clear out any extraneous comms.

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Sorry final question, regarding,

device.mydevice.write("0711013" + chr(13) + chr(10))

The (0711013) bit..... what I need to send is, to channel 07 the value 1 and then the chr(13) + chr(10)


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