DAQFactory process hung


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I've been receiving warnings that another instance of DAQFactory is running and sure enough, there are three different DAQFactory.exe processes listed in the Task Manager despite having no program windows open. It seems that DF isn't shutting down fully. This warning dialog hangs the startup of DAQFactory and I can't depend on my user to have sufficient privileges to kill a process (much less realize that's what they have to do).

Is there a nice easy way to clean these runaway processes?

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Creating an OnShutDown event to turn off the output from a serial device makes DAQFactory shut down much faster. I tried disabling a few different things and fix made a difference. The process is still present in the task manager for a few seconds after closing but it no longer sticks around. Thanks!

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It'll definitely stick around for a few seconds no matter what. There are a lot of background tasks to wait for, especially if you have serial comms, as it can't stop a request mid-stream, so it can actually get stuck open for as long as your longest timeout.

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