ComboBox StrContents

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I have a ComboBox called TrendParameterCombo with 7 Choices of parameter to display that I make visible on a button press. As it becomes visible I would like to have something in the box such as 'Select' or similar. I have tried adding the line

Component.TrendParameterCombo.StrContents = "Select"

immediately before the line that shows the comboBox

Component.TrendPrameterCombo.Visible = 1

but this seems to have no effect. The properties of the Component show under Contents only the StrSetChannel = TrendParameter Which is as I set it up. There is no entry for StrContents

Clicking on the small down arrow shows the 7 choices I have given and after one has been selected the box then has that displayed but there is still no corresponding entry in the properties.

Watching the StrContents of the component shows the word 'Select' initially and then the chosen parameter but I can't seem to get it to display on the screen. What am I doing wrong?


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So is there no other way of prompting the user to select from the available choices. If not I will just have to load one of the choices by default or add the 'select parameter' prompt to the choices with an easily detectable value so that I can trap it out.

Could this be added to the wish list for improvements in a later version.


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