Export a graph


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hi Azeo!

I'm a new user of DAQ and i have two problems:

First i don't know how to export automatically a graph,i would like to create a button which allows me to begin graph exporting without right click on "export/print".

Second i use an export set and i create a .csv,but the time is different, example:

The Time ks(Kn/mm) kp(Kn/mm)

40654.5642 3

40654.5790 5.65




But i would like it to be ordered like this:

The Time ks(Kn/mm) kp(Kn/mm)

40654.5642 3 5.65




I really hope that you can help me.

Thank you


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1) You can't do the built in graph export without the prompt. If you want to export a graph without a prompt, you'll need to use an export set and use subsetting to include only the time range in the graph. The most reliable way to do this is to subset using the CurrentScaleFrom and CurrentScaleTo variables of the bottom axis of the graph:

mychan[component.mygraph.bottomaxis.currentscalefrom, component.mygraph.bottomaxis.currentscaleto]

2) the data isn't appearing on one row because it doesn't have the same time stamp. Use the align parameter of the export set to set the threshold on how far apart two points can be in time to be considered the same row.

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