Using Messagebox results in an if statement


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Im wondering if there is a way to use a system.messagebox yesno prompt result as a parameter in an if statement. What im trying to do is have the prompt posing a question pop up and after the question is answered write the result to a file. For example I've created the question result a variable by saying

// pose question

Answer = system.messagebox("question?","yesno")

// log answer

if (answer = "yes")

//write to file

if (answer = "no")

//write to file

Every time i run this in the sequence I get a parameter failure. Can the results of the prompt even be used in this way?

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Yes you can do that, but you have three issues with your script:

1) you never declare Answer

2) the string comparison is case sensitive, and message box returns "Yes" and "No", not "yes" / "no"

3) comparison in DAQFactory uses ==, not =. = is used for assignment

So, using your pseudocode, it'd be something like:

// pose question
private string Answer = system.messagebox("question?","yesno")
// log answer

if (answer == "Yes")
   //write to file
if (answer == "No")
   //write to file

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