Problem to logging to data file: c:\mylogfile.csv


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When I clicked the begin logging set, and started logging data, I got the

following problem:

C1013 Problem logging to data file: c:\mylogfile.csv

what does it mean and how can I sort it out?


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It most likely means that DAQFactory couldn't create or write to that file. If you are using Win 7, UAC won't let you write to the root directory without enhanced privileges, so I recommend simply putting that file somewhere else (like c:\data)

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I have tried follow your suggestion, put the file in c:\ data.csv and d:\ data.csv, unfortunatley, it's still not happy.

any other ideas for that?

one more question, I am confused with your suggestion.

you recommend me putting the file somewhere else, such as c:\ data.csv, however I dont know what the difference between c:\ data.csv and c:\mylogfile.csv is. I guess they are same. Am I right?


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I think no problem with the data stream such as channel names, because I have done some experiments using Labjack-LU3 last year, it worked very well. The PC has Win 7, the Logging set can creat the file successfully.

I didnt change any settings, just click the begin logging set simply, but it doesn work now.

a guy had the same problem before, he deleted log set and recreated a new one, logging set started working again.

the following is his problem

I have tried his way many times, my data logger does still not work.

and what's the mean of "Is the file open in another program" I cant understand it.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I mean by "Is the file open in another program" is do you have the log file open in another program. For example, are you viewing its contents in Excel while trying to log to the file?

Also, are you logging to "c:\data\myfile.csv", or "c:\ data\myfile.csv"? Note that the second one has a space after the \ and is invalid.

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The log file unable to be created in the computer, so I can't view its contents. anyway, I am using anothe computer which with WIN 3 to log the data to c:\myfile.csv. it is working very well now.

But, another problem i got is that when I stop logging and view all the figures. they are not temperature but voltages. the readings in pape are temperatures, and I checked the formulas in the components. They look like correctly.

The formula is type K((FIOX[0]-offset)/gain, (intertemp[0]-273.15)) FIOX represent a channel. in my case, I just use constants to replace the offsets for each channel.

Could you or anyone else help me?


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