modbus RTU


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Im new to DAQFACTORY and i m facing a probleme reading the folowing holding from the LS inverter

as i could not do it after long time now , i gave up.

can anyone help me please. here i attached a sample of the registers wishing to read .

thanks in advance


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I don't have the column headers, so I can't say what the conversion factor is, but as for the channel settings, strip the 3 off the front of the numbers in the second column and subtract 1, so DcSt time becomes 3292. This is the channel #. Select "Read Input Register S16 (4)".

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thanks for your help. i tried your advice but still the same problem "illegal data address" if i just put 4 or 5 0r 12 i can got some data but i dont know it is belong to what register , anyway i have included the complete doc , so can you please continue to advice me?



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Hello i posted this because i got some data that may help the Output frequency is 0x000A so i made it in decimal it becomes 10 and reduce 1 it becomes 9 . now if i put 9 as chanel# i got correct reading that correspond to my inverter real frequency.

Acceleration time is correct as well i do the same 0x0007 -1 so i got 6 i use 6 as chanel# and it is ok

deceleration time 0x0008 i substract 1 as well and all is ok .

but whe i use the 33024 i remove 3 to have 3024 and reduce it by 1 to have 3023 using "Read Input Register S16 (4)".

or even i tried all of them but still illegal data .

i hope this make it more easier for you to help me .

thanks in advance.

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