cant get the text book answer


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Im trying the alarm sample in the book and whatever I do I cant get the sequence to begin. The alarm is triggered off an led component.

here is the script.

global AlarmReset = 0



AlarmReset = 1



testal being the alarm created.

What have I missed I have followed the book to a tea



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First, how do you know the sequence isn't running? This sequence doesn't have a loop, so it will run and stop in the blink of an eye.

Can you post your complete .ctl doc? The problem probably is a typo somewhere and I want to verify you have everything right.

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Heres the ctl file

this is in the manual

11.6 Questions, Answers and Examples

11.6.1 Basic Alarming

global AlarmReset = 0

// This code allow us to reset the variables only once.


AlarmReset = 1


// Call the function to acknowledge all alarms





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The manual instructions only work as a whole. The main thing you are missing is a Test channel. Alarms are only evaluated when a new data comes in on a channel, or you call Alarm.CheckAlarms(). You have a D to A channel, and unless you are constantly setting that output (which you aren't), the alarm never gets evaluated. In the example, we have a Test A to D channel with Timing 2, so the alarms get evaluated every 2 seconds.

Next problem: you have a typo in the Reset event of the alarm. It should be =0, not =1. The objective being that the flag to reset the alarms is reset to 0 when the alarm is reset. This, by the way, only works if you are resetting a single alarm. An alternative way to do it in script is:

alarmReset = 1


alarmReset = 0

I didn't really look at the rest of your logic. I'm unclear what you are trying to do. I recommend you start simple (i.e. the example in the manual verbatim) and get it working, then add to it.

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