Expression of procedure for summing up


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I am doing a new exercise, trying to make an expression whose objective is :

"counting and summing up the time (seconds) when the pressure is positive"

I have made so far below;


\\ Summing up the sec when Pressure is positive

private Data02 = 0

if (Pressure[0]>0)

Data02 = Data02+1


Data02 = Data02




(Pressure is read every second.)

and the problem I have now is

"declaration and input of initial data (=0) for Data02 shoule be stated elsewhere than this expression."

Would you teach me how to do this?

The target I aim is to make this procedure hourly, that is , input "0" at the start of every hour.

Thanks in advance

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That's a start, except you are initializing data02 every time, so you only get 0 or 1. I'm assuming you are putting this in the event of pressure? Do this:

1) create a sequence marked auto start and put:


2) in the event for your pressure sequence you want:

private data02 = dataBox02[0]
if (formatDateTime("%H", pressure.time[0]) != formatDateTime("%H", pressure.time[1])
   // new hour
   data02 = 0
if (pressure[0] > 0)
   data02 += (pressure.time[0] - pressure.time[1])
data02.time = pressure.time[0]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guru,

So what if Pressure is not a channel but a global type variable,

formatDateTime("%M", Pressre.time[0])

will always shows a constant no matter when you flash the pressure data?

or if I do need the Pressure value and its corresponding time, I should need but Pressure into a test channel?

More options?


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Okay I found a trick here,

if I put:

Pressure[1] = Pressure[0]
Pressure[0] = *** (some sort of expression)
? formatDateTime("%S", Pressure.time[0])

then Pressure time can updated in real time.

What is the differences for these two ways assuming here Pressure is a variable of global type.



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The command / alert window is a great place to check this stuff out yourself. First, I'm assuming the typo in your first post is just in the forum (you have "Pressre.time[0]).

Next, a global variable gets assigned time with every assignment. To see this in the command/alert, just type these commands:

global x

x = 3

? getTime(x)

you'll get the time stamp when you did x = 3. Now:

x = 4

? getTime(x)

you'll get a different time stamp, for when you did x = 4.

The trick to this is to remember that it only assigns the timestamp when the timestamp is not available. So, if you did:

global y = x

? getTime(y)

you'll see that it gives you the timestamp of when you did x=4, not when you did y=x. This is because it pulls the timestamp from x. If you want a different timestamp, you'd have to do something like:

y.time = systime()

? getTime(y)

Note that getTime(y) and y.time are the same thing, except that you can assign a value to y.time. This is all assuming scalar variables, not channels or arrays.

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