How to use checkbox array

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I don't understand how to use the array function of the checkbox, and I wasn't able to find anything informative on the forums. I presume its usefulness comes from being able to assign an array to the "Set Channel" box, and each checkbox would correspond to a space in the array.



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Thank you for the example. I got this working finally. The trouble I was having is as follows:

- when you first put down the checkbox component, its hashed outline (denoting selection) is the size of a single checkbox

- one opens the properties, checks "Array?" and sets the size (row x column), then closes the properties to save

- the outline of the checkbox component remains the same size as if it were a single checkbox

- because of this, only the first check box registers

This is resolved by selecting the checkbox array and resizing the outline to encompass the checkbox array. At this point, all of the checkboxes respond.



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