Help need to parse serial port data


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Hi all,

I am using DAQfactory Express to communicate with a UHF transceiver.

The datastream received from the UHF transmitter is shown below.

Rx (10:27:20.132): \013

Rx (10:27:20.500): A28736000006553565535655356553565535655356553565535655356553565535655356553565535655356553565535655356553565535655356553565535







My requirement is to parse 5 characters just after alphabet 'A'. I have written a small script in the on-receive section of DAQfactory to parse this data.

if (strIn =="A")

private string DataIn = Read(5)

Channel.AddValue(strDevice,0, "dinput",0, StrToDouble(DataIn))


The problem I am experiencing is that this code doesn't show the immediate 5 characters after the alpahbet A insead it always displays 53565. Can anyone advise me on this problem. Is it due to ASCII value of A being 65?

Many thanks.

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I'm assuming you are trying to use a protocol. Do it in a sequence instead. Also, I'm assuming from the look of it that there is always a carriage return before the A. In that case, the sequence would look something like this:

private string datain = device.mydevice.readuntil(13)
if (left(datain,1) == "A")


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  • 6 months later...

Hi Guru,

I am a new user of DAQ factory and I am experiencing the same problem. I copied the code into my sequence and "began sequence" but there is an alert which says "C1000 channel or function not found: UHF Line 3 - Uncaught error in sequence UHF". Here, UHF is my sequency name. I am wondering is there some variable names that I need to change to suit my case ?

Thanks in advance!

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You have to create a serial device and either call it "myDevice", or change line 3 where it says "myDevice" to say whatever you called your device. Same thing with line 5 and myChannel.

In these forums I pretty consistantly use myXXXX when I want to refer to a channel, sequence, device or some other object that you, as the developer might name, but that I don't know the name of. The intention is that you would replace any myXXXX's with your own names.

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Thanks Guru. I am sorry that I was not in the office yesterday and cannot reply on time.

Today, I modified the code to the followings.



private string datain = device.UHF.readuntil(13)

if (left(datain,1) == "A")




"UHF" is the device name which I set in my Ethernet/Serial Device. I created a new channel with the name "myChannel", device type "UHF", Chn # is 0. But when I began the sequence, but this time I have got a slightly different error message which is "C1136 Timeout: UHF Line3- uncaught error in sequence UHF". Can you please help figure out where is wrong and how to solve it?

Many thanks in advance

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Hi Guru again. The line 3 problem has been solved. But there is another problem in line 4. Here is the modified code.



private string DataIn = device.UHF.ReadUntil(13)

if (Left(DataIn,1) == "A")




The error message is: C1086 One of the parameters was empty: UHF Line 4 - Uncaught error in sequence UHF.

From the message, I do not know why there is one of the parameters is empty. Without "if" function, the code is working, and I think variable "DataIn" can read something.


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Datain could be empty if the next character in the UHF port buffer is 13. Try adding:

? datain

right after the readuntil() line. That will display its contents in the command/alert window. My guess is that you'll see a blank line right before the error message.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi all,

i am new to daq factory,i want display the readings from two sensors at a time.

in daq factory monitor i am getting two reading separated by comma.i have to display that values using variable value command.please help me.'

i have created two channels in that i have mentioned as A to D. 1.Egr_channel channel

in the expression of variable value i have given as egr_channel[0] anf newchannel[0]

i am reading data from a microcontroller

the main aim is i have display two readings of sensor on two variable value option.

i dont know to do it,as i am new to it please help me asap.

Thanks in advance


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