OPC Device working really stranger ! 5.86a

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Hi Admin,

My Project is communicate betwwen DAQfactory and OPC server (KEPWARE) but when settting a channel as Analog out put, the channel just only write out value. He do not update his channel value if OPC Server change data value.

The Stranger is, If I firstly set channel as Synchronous Read then change to Analog Out Put ->He working ok but not working again when i exit and open a gain progam.

I also doing the same way with other HMI software the channel update it self if other action change data in Kepware.

I really spend so much time to fix it but nothing better,

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Thank you very much, But i also do as your guide before. My Project has 800 Tag and i must be spend so much time so handle code.

Thank you again, but DAQFACTORY have to update for next version with the channel OPC type of Read/Write

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