Modbustcp Sample Issues


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I loaded the modbusTCP sample and was playing with the interface on page 0. The "Set Register" button has a set to action to channel myinput which has an I/O type Read Holding S16. This works just fine. But if I change the I/O type to Read Holding U16 I get an error. "Tried to set an input register or an unsupported data type (U16)."

Do I have to create two seperate channels for reading and writing to holding registers if I am using U16 ?

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I don't believe there is a Set Register for U16, thus the error. If you were in S16, you can do it with one channel. We don't have separate S16 and U16 for output because it actually doesn't matter since DAQFactory doesn't really use types. I suppose even so we should implement a U16 version so as to avoid confusion.

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