No Visable Trace


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Hi, I'm new to DAQ and been playing for a week or so learing as I go. So I'm pulling data from an old serial york chiller controller and parsing this into numersous channels, so far so good. Data shows up in the channel history but if I look at the graph tab of a channel, setup to collect a value of motor current, no trace is displayed. The axis however would seem to be correct in that the Y axis is scaled around the values recorded in the channel table tab and the X axis is the present date and time.

I have also created a V channel to hold the result of a calculation which again has historical data but if I create a graph object on a page and select the V channel for Y axis data nothing appears. I must be doing something wrong but can't figure it out. any suggestions.



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I think I have found the issue. I had created several channel groups to organise the channels and created the names without an underscore i.e. Chiller 1. Chiller 2 etc. I added the underscore Chiller_1, Chiller_2 and graphs are being plotted for the data.


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