Daq Factory Version Change From 5.87 To 5.86


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I have developed demo application using DAQ 5.87, it is working fine. when I try to run same using 5.86, i'm geting error about version. client don't want to upgread his daq factory, due to which i need to down gread DAQ ver. but i dont find any where DAQ 5.86, can you pleas let me know where i can get it.




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There is no way to downgrade. Why won't the customer upgrade? There is no cost. They simply download the trial and install it over the existing installation. There are only a few minor changes between 5.86 -> 5.87 including a couple bug fixes with the scrollbar and treelist. The other changes are added features that won't trigger unless you actually use them in your script.

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The easiest way is to simply go to your client and copy the DAQFactory.exe file from their computer to yours. I'd rename yours to DAQFactory587.exe first. As mentioned, the differences between 5.86 and 5.87 are very minor and only in the DAQFactory.exe file.

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