Component Name Not Recognized In Sequence

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I'm having an odd problem where I name a component, the name seems to take and does show in the properties pane but doesn't seem to be accessible from sequence. Also, if I begin typing the component name I don't get the window showing matching element names, and even after I finish typing the name, I don't get a list of methods and variables associated.

So it seems that somehow the name isn't being fully "registered", so it's not being recognized, yet it does show at the top of the properties pane and if I select NameComponent, the previously selected name does show as the default for the new name.

So I'm baffled. I have no idea what would cause this or how to go about figuring it out.

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The name is "ExportFileWindow", so there shouldn't be any conflict, but I still changed the name to something random, and it didn't help.

Also, I realize the code in the OnLButtonUp() sequence should be in an action of the component, but it morphed from another iteration and I haven't got a chance to move it to the component yet.

Even so, I'd think it should work the way it is.


Component Name Demo.ctl

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Yup, same deal. See the two sets of if()'s, one set with literals and the other with component members? If I use the literal one, it sets the correct value. If I enable the component member version, it never satisfies the if()'s.

Also, at the command line I still don't get the popup for item names, nor for member names once I finish the component name.

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