Changing Symbol With Onclick


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Hi, I'm trying to make onclick script that will allow a user to "scroll" through the symbols in the symbol library. Rather than adding a symbol control each time a symbol gets added to the library. Is there a way to do this, by clicking on the symbol, the control would change/refresh to the next symbol in the library? --JQ

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I have it set up now, so that when a mudlog page (8.5 x 11" printed PDF) is posted to DaqConnect as a jpeg, the file gets added to the symbol library at DC. What I'm trying to do is have a way for a site user to view all the mudlog pages for a job, which may be up to 20 pages or more in total length. As I have it now, just a few pages of the mudlog are viewable. Each Log Page, has its own Daqconnect page with its viewable symbol on that page. I was looking at the img src for my symbols, and the name is quite long. Maybe what I really want is an upload, and download file picker.

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You probably should consider uploading those files to an external web server that you manage. Just get some $10 / month shared plan from a web host. That way you can manage the file organization and file names. Then its just links, and simple ones at that. The user symbols are stored in a CDN and thus the long complicated names.

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  • 2 weeks later...

CDN stands for content delivery network. Its a network specifically designed for rapid distribution of larger files, mainly applications, photos and videos. Usually these networks have several points of entry around the world, allowing for more rapid downloads (kind of like mirroring, but not quite). They also reduce the server load on one's main application server, letting it focus on the things only it can do, and not have to worry about managing downloads.

The user wouldn't have to go to another site. You could provide all the links directly in DC so they'd never know. The symbols are on another site the same way.

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