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I want to use media player in daqfactory. there must be play list, play, pause, stop, volume control. I searched daqfactory can play wav files in windows media folder. but I want to play mp3 files.

How can I do? with media player dll or is there other way to do?

NOTE: I dont want to open directly media player. I want to show on daqfactory page all control functions,

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The beta of the next release of DAQFactory supports an embedded browser control. From there you could put a media player into the browser with some simple HTML. The initial push for the browser control was to actually allow a video player, so its basically the same thing. If you are interested in trying the beta, please email us direct at support @.

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You can use the File.GetFileNameList() along with File.GetFilePathList() to get a list of the files in that folder. Then you could use that to populate a tree list component to create a playlist. You'll want the event on the tree list to take the path and feed it to the browser component.

But I have to ask: why do you want to do this? What is the application? It is rather unusual.

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I am doing for in room touch controller.(Temperature control, lighing control etc.) Customers want to play music on it also.

I write a html code. and I am calling from seq. component.deneme.setURL("c:\test.html") . media player is opening in browser. But also I want to add playlist.

I dont understand to associate with tree list.

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To connect the tree list with the media player, you would have to use parameters in the URL:


and then in your html you'd have to process that and pass it to the media player plugin. Note, you might need to escape out your parameter. I'm not sure a URL can have colon or backslash in it. Just use the replace() function on the path before creating the URL

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  • 2 months later...

I see this conversation about the embedded browser control from May/June, when it was in Beta testing.  Is it available now?  I have an application which requires video, which we are currently doing by using the shell execute to call an external app, but the implementation is a little clunky.  What version of DF do you think will have this new control?

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  • 2 years later...

Its hard to say.  First, can you view a normal page with just some html text?  Remember, when DAQFactory is in Edit mode, it will not display any browser content.  You must be in Operate mode to view browser content.


Second, if it will display other pages, but not the video portion, then its probably a plugin issue.  The best thing to do is install Chrome, then go to that video page.  It will likely want to install a plug in, which you should do.  Once you can view it in chrome, you will likely be able to view it in DAQFactory.

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