Ethernet Communication With An External Hmi

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Hi Admin, I have an Ethernet network with 3 HMIs (touch screens) in my hydro power project. the data in those HMIs can be shared within themselves via this Ethernet network via an Ethernet switch. Now I need to connect my PC to their switch to get those data for monitoring as well as controlling via ethernet. Daqfactory pro is already installed in the PC. Is this possible? then please let me know the procedure. Thanks, thushara.

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Maybe. I'd need to know a lot more about the screens, such as what protocol they are running. Best would be the exact model #'s. Ethernet is just the transport layer, much like a telephone line. Your question is a little like asking me if I could understand a conversation between two people that happen to be using satellite phones somewhere in the world. Sure, I might be able to connect into the satellite link, but that doesn't mean I'm going to understand the language (protocol) they are talking.

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thanks for prompt reply.

I can understand the situation. For the moment I cannot make the link even. it comes socket error 10060/61. The protocol is Modbus TCP. The HMI is made in china. Brand name WECON. product model - LEVI 908T with Ethenet and CANbus cards. weblink

Below is the link for the docs published by WECON to for Ethernet connection among HMIs.

Please download the the application of Modbus TCP in human machine interface

For any further details please feel free to ask



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This page: lists all the socket error codes. My guess is either you have the panel set as the Modbus master (DAQFactory should be the Master, the panel should be the slave), you have the wrong port (it should be 502), or you have another device connected to the panel and the panel only supports one connection at a time.

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now no errors comes. I connected the HMI directly to the PC not via a switch.I have set a static IP in the PC. first I hoped to get result on this and then can go for a network. then I can ping the HMI from PC and now no errors displayed. But I set the master as the HMI. so it should be changed according to you. and I need to know the other settings in the device configuration in the DAQFactory.

I made a TCP client and set the Ethernet configuration. Put HMI IP under IP address and port as 502. but nothing in the monitoring area. and I just tried to send some integer. then says port busy.

So please let me know how to set the device configuration correctly and comment on what I did. And if any other things to do.



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HMI should be the slave, not the master. If its the master than DAQFactory can't connect to it. Instead the HMI would have to connect to DAQFactory and that won't work as well. That's why you are getting the port busy: DAQFactory can't establish a socket because the HMI doesn't have a socket to connect to because it thinks it is the master. Make the HMI the slave.

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Thanks for your replies. I changed the HMI as tcp slave. But no good news. So could you please let me know the settings in Device configuration. then I can try again. because I made several tries here with new Ethernet sever and new Ethernet (TCP) client under Ethernet/serial device configuration.

thanks again


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First, restart DAQFactory with a fresh document so you are starting clean. Then you want a new Ethernet client, IP = IP of device, Port = 502, Timeout = 1000. Select the ModbusTCP for the protocol. Save, then create a channel with this new device. I don't know what the register will need to be specified. The docs you pointed to are for the HMI as the master. Most likely D# will be 1.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello, goodnight i have proyect for measuring level and temperatura for thanks.


I use endress and hausser wireless sensors and fieldgate, with modbusTCP protocol.


I need read signals in daqfactory in two diffrents compures in two places, the computers is conect in network by etherneth and olnly one read values and other no


You know what happen?

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