Daqconnect Payments


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here the only way to pay is via credit cards. So can you introduce any other methods like Paypal or TT or some method for bulky like for one year so on..... Because as an organization we are unable to use credit cards. Please reply me on this.



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Ok Thanks, I will email you. Anyway I could noticed whenfollowing the daq connect that the unused balance can be brought forward to next paying period. According to this as an example if I pay for 50channels and actually use only 25 channels through out the period can I use the balance in next period? According the example can I use the same 25 channels for another period free? Because I have not yet planned the no of channels (tags) to be used. If I can use balance in next period I can anyway pay for more nos of channels at the beginning once.

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If you are paying for a year, we can work something out. The only reason for requiring the year is simply because of the added time to process a manual paypal order. We would basically take a payment and apply whatever plan you wanted for a particular month to that balance every month until you got to zero. Note that we would only do a plan change once a month. In manual billing we just aren't setup for prorated changes shorter than once a month.

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