Searching Array For String ? Help ?


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I have a number of individual scripts which have result arrays ascociated with them. They have string "Pass" or "Fail" values. I want to search through the arrays quickly and return lets say a 0, or 1 depndant on weather any of the strings are of value "Fail".

Is there a quick way to search through arrays for a value without hanging if one of the array parts is empty?


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I'm not sure what you mean by "empty", but you can just use search() for this:

private index = search(myArray == "Fail")

will return the index of the first item that == Fail, or -1 if not found. There is an optional parameter for start, so you can do:

private index = -1


index = search(myArray == "Fail", index+1)

if (index == -1)



? index


Which will print the indices of all the elements == "Fail"

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