Canbus Data Acquisition

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Currently im using Daqfactory pro and getting data by modbus TCP and RTU protocols via ethernet and USB to RS 485 converters. But in addition to this im willing to use CANBUS data from my micro controller devices via USB TO CANBUS converter. In fact now im getting these data to Daqfactory via a CANBUS enabled HMI and then hmi to PC via an ethernet connection. If daqfactory can communicate directly with micro controlers by Canbus via USB TO CANBUS converter I dont need to use HMIs in my project. So please discuss on this requirement.

Thanks in advance,



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The problem with CAN bus is that although CAN is a standard, there is no standard for the CANBus converter.  That means that we can't write a single driver for CAN bus like we can for Modbus.  Doing CAN with your USB converter will be different from the next manufacturer.  Its totally dependent on the software that the USB converter company created.


That said, if you can post the manual for your converter I can probably give you some pointers to get started.

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