Delay Until A Page Is Printed

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I want to print a report page from a main page by using a script below:


page.strCurrentPage = "Report"


//wait until printed then execute the next line

Page.strCurrentPage = "Main"



After the report page is printed, I want the page automaticcaly switch to main page (which is not work with the script above).

Do you have any suggestion to tell DF to wait untill the OK button from the print window is clicked before switching back to main page ?


Also, the symbol component when printed is far smaller than what it shows on DF, how to correct that? 



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You actually don't have to switch the page at all.  You can just do page.printPage("Report") and it will print the page without switching.  As for the symbol component, there isn't much you can do.  The problem is its a bitmap and the bitmap is a much lower resolution than the printer.  A vector WMF graphic would be better if you can somehow generate one.

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