Prompting For Value In Quick Sequence


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I am trying to do a unit conversion within Daqfactory before it sends the value out.


What i have is a button for users to click and enter the setpoint. Eg.1.110

I would like the quick sequence to multiply that by 1000 before sending it to that particular channel.


Please advise.



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If you are using a channel, you can just create a conversion and apply the conversion to the output channel.  Conversions for output channels work in reverse of conversions for input channels.  On input channels, they convert the DAQ units to engineering units.  For output, they convert engineering units to DAQ units.  In your case, the conversion is simply:


Value * 1000


Its exactly that, don't substitute any channel names or anything.  It must be the word "Value".  Give the conversion a name, then apply the conversion to your output channel.

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