Alarming Level And Temperature


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Forgive me If questions I ask sound silly, I am very new to Daqfactory and still trying to work a lot of things out.

I am trying to create a level measurement system for storage vessels and have a test situation set up in the workshop.

I have managed to set up channels for a 4-20ma radar instrument and 4-20ma temperature probes and have got both measuring and working through Daqfactory with the correct conversion to convert to the correct units and that part is working fine.

I want to be able to create an alarm points on the same screen as the levels and temperature and also create a external output for high level and high temperature.


I am using edam-9017 for my 4-20ma devices through Modbus and edam- 5060 for relay outputs.


I have read through the help files but can't seem to work it out and I am very new to Modbus.


Any help would be much appreciated.


I have attached a file of the screen I have been using for testing so it is clearer



forum test file.ctl

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Are your alarm point variable?  Let's assume so.  Create a couple global variables in a Sequence marked autostart to store the alarm points:


global levelHighAlarm = 50

global temperatureHighAlarm = 100


put whatever defaults you want in place of the 50 and 100.


Then, as you did for temperature, create an alarm for level too.  The expression for temperature would be something like:


Temp1[0] > temperatureHighAlarm


and the reset expression would be something like:


Temp1[0] < temperatureHighAlarm * 0.9


That's giving 10% hysterisis.  Adjust the 0.9 as you want.


Then to control the output, and say, turn Out1 on when it fires, and off when it resets, go to the Fired event tab for the alarm and put:


Out1 = 1


and in the reset event:


Out1 = 0

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Neither.  Go to Sequences and click Add Sequence.  Then type in the code I showed you, changing the 50 and 100 to appropriate defaults.  Mark the sequence Auto-Start (at the top) and then Apply / Compile.  Finally, run the sequence to declare the variables.

You might take a look at the first few sections of chapter 5 of the user's guide on Sequences.

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