Class Category In Workspace And Ability To Print Object Varibles

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I'd like a class entry in the tree view in the workspace.   The "Class" entry could be expandable/collapsible like Channels, Sequences, Pages, etc.  Expanding it would show a list of defined classes, each also expandable.  When expanded each would show local member names, parent class (which should also be expandable), etc.  That way you could browse class defs.


Also, I'd like to be able to enter from the Command line or execute in sequence

?MyClassVar // or


and have it print the contents.  Would probably need to be presented as a hierarchical tree-style view when printing a variable or printing a member that is itself a class instance.







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Yup.  In the PLC world, it typically refers to higher level languages like that, often abbreviated ST, as opposed to other character-based non graphic languages like instruction list (IL) which is more like assembler for the processor it runs on:


LD %IX0.0 OUT %QX0.0

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