Using For To Change Variable Name


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I am trying to save myself some time by using a for statement to step through a set of variable names.  I have 29 machines being monitored and when I need to change or create script for all 29 it takes awhile.

Here is an example of a piece of script that works fine:


      Global Star_22_24hr = 300 * (sum(GREEN_22[systime(), systime()-86400] == 0))/86400  //calculates % of up time over past 24 hours
      Global Star_22_1hr = 300 * (sum(GREEN_22[systime(), systime()-3600] == 0))/3600     //calculates % of up time over past hour
Star_22_24hr and Star_22_1hr are the variables that I am calculating using data from the corresponding channel GREEN_22.  
Rather than write this over 29 times, I tried this:

       Private.machine = 17                      //machine #17 is the first machine in this group
       for (machine = 17, 28, machine ++)               //loop from 17 to 28
             Global "Star_" + machine + "_24hr" = 300 * (sum("GREEN_" + machine [systime(), systime()-86400] == 0))/86400             //calculates % of up time over past 24 hours
             Global "Star_"  + machine + "_1hr" = 300 * (sum("GREEN_" + machine [systime(), systime()-3600] == 0))/3600                  //calculates % of up time over past hour
It runs without errors, but it also does not seem to be putting any values in the variables.
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You need to build up a string and pass that string to execute().  I'm not sure what the compiler is going to do with the code you wrote.  Anyhow, it should look like this:


execute("Global Star_" + machine + "_1hr = 300 * (sum(GREEN_" + machine + "[systime(), systime()-3600] == 0))/3600")

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