How Do I Make A Switch Work In Opposite Direction?

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I have been unable to figure out how to get a toggle switch to work in the opposite direction.


Wth the switch up, it takes on a value of 1.  But I need the up position to be a 0, and the down position to be a 1. I need this because I am using the LabJack U3-HV, and In the user manual, in section - Output: Controlling Relays, they recommend using "sinking configuration" where an active output is low, rather than high.


Is there a way to do this within the DAQFactory program?  My search of the help files have not been fruitful, but I suspect that I am just not thinking of the correct terms to search for.


Thank You,


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Sure.  Create a Conversion for your output channel.  The conversion is super simple:




It is exactly that, don't change anything.  Then apply the conversion to the output channel.  Now the output channel will work in reverse.  When you set it to 0, it will actually tell the LabJack to set to 1, and vica-versa.  Now the switch will work the way you want.  Note that the output channel will display reverse too.  It will read 1 when the actual LabJack output is low, and 0 when its high.  But since you are sinking you are essentially reversing it back.

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