Submit Button By Itself?

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I know an edit box can be configured to activate its contents with the "Set on Submit button press:" This sounds like what I want, except that I can't figure out how to create a stand-alone submit button. 


The description seems to be saying that you can have any other edit box on screen with a submit button, and pressing that button will trigger other edit box values to be activated.  So if I have 10 values to set, and 9 of them are, "Set on Submit button press:", then I can have the last one have the actual submit button. But, my groupings of the data the user must input make that a little awkward.


Is it viable to create a standard button that is programmed to tell all the other edit buttons to submit their values?


Any suggestions?



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Submit is one of the actions you can select from Action tab on components that support it (like buttons, variable value, etc).  Others include "Quick Sequence" which you probably have used.  Its not another edit box, its another component with Actions.


You can also submit from script using:



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Thank you for that info.  I didn't realize a generic button's submit option will work for all input boxes on the page.


I just did a test, and do see that things like buttons to save their scripts to the .scr file, and it works great. But, as a note to future readers of this thread, if you do not name the component, it is hard to see what the component might be.  In other words, a button is not named a button in the .scr file.  But, renaming the object allows you to see what it is quite easily.


Also, when you write your script to a file, the dialog box sometimes does not show the other .scr files and sometimes it does.



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1) OK, thanks.  Thought it should be on the download page but couldn't seem to see it.  5.90.6 does not work like that for me.  Or I guess, technically I guess you could say that it does, but all the components have identical default names like "_Panel", "_Button", and so on, and do not include the coordinates.  The change to include them doesn't show in the 5.90.7 or 5.90.8 release notes.  Has it changed and is just not noted in the release notes?  Or am I just having an isolated problem with something that works elsewhere?


2) The pages render like this for me on Firefox 19.0.2.  Note the medium gray text on white BG.





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