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Hi Everyone,


I started with DAQfactory about 3 weeks ago, and I might be missing some important fundamentals, but I'm having issues understanding and solving formulas for my conversions. I am using a LJt-7 pro, and I am attaching a Alicat Scientific flow meter to measure the flow of hydrogen from a reactor. It is powered by a 9 volt, so the wiring is pretty simple. All I have going into the labjack is a signal out and a ground. My readings will be 0.00ish while my PSI is at 0.00, and my value is around 5.12 when my PSI is maxed out at 25.6. I need a formula to give me a reading between 0 and 25.6. The formula equations don’t seem to be intuitive, as it took an email to daqfactory and some odd writing to get a thermocoupleK reading to work properly, and I’d love to know the formula and the trick to entering the proper formulas to get the values I need.


Thank you!


-Anthony Ponce De Leon

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There is no trick and I'm not sure how we could make formulas more intuitive.  The issues you had with thermocouples was unrelated to the formula, but rather your understanding of how thermocouples work.  We are of course here to help.  If you are using a Conversion, just put the word Value wherever you want to put the channel value.  The rest is just math.  What you have is simple slope / line formula for linear scaling.  In your case, the intercept is 0, so all you need is the slope, which in your case is exactly 5.00.  So the Conversion is simply:


Value * 5

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