Fail To Start Web Server Issue

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I have suddenly started to get a "failed to start web server" popup alert when I start my DF application. I'm running two instances of DF on the same network and they both share connections to pass a heartbeat value for communications monitoring. This has been working fine for the past couple of days.


One instance now gives the alarm and the other doesn't. The alarm is generated even if I start the application with no sequences running but doesn't come up if I open a blank application. Once the popup is acknowledged the application runs fine.


I need to stop this from happening as DF needs to run automatically on system restart.

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That means that DAQFactory tried to fire up its web server (because the doc had it enabled), but another piece of software is already using that port.  While a multiple clients can connect to a single port on a remote computer, only one server can be managing a port on a computer at a time.


To turn off the web server on your doc, go to the command alert and type:




then uncheck the Active box and save and restart DAQFactory.

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Unfortunately I have another problem with the same system where I have received the following error a couple of times now. The DF application closes and all this is all I see (I have a screenshot but don't know how to upload it to the forum).


So far it has only appeared on one of my instances so I have swapped the two instances over and will see if it happens on the other machine too.


In the mean time, any ideas?


Pop up title: Socket Notification Sink: DAQFactory.exe. - Application Error

Text: The exception unknown software exception (0x40000015) occured in the application at location 0x75d606f4.

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