Custom Components

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Hi, are there any guidelines as to how to produce a custom component. ie if I wanted to produce a component which was a gauge but had a look that was not obtainable by the properties of the normal guage component, could I write one in C++ and import or develop it even in DF?


BTW the new look of DF in the Toolbox is good, thanks


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You can use the canvas control to do some custom controls.  It gives you native drawing commands in script.  Not everything is exposed though, so you are a little limited.  If you were really advanced you might be able to do one in C++ using the pointer passed into the canvas control.  I've never tried it, but it is probable that it would work.  But you'd have to do the DLL just right and use the same compiler we do so you are using the same version of MFC.  Unless you are really trying to create a custom control that really only you would use, you might just want to chat with us about adding a new control or enhancing an existing one.  A lot of the controls we are already looking to redo, including the gauges.

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Thanks, i will look at the canvas. I guess I am trying to get a more modern look than the standard controls give so it is good to hear that you are working on that too. It is difficult trying to stay ahead of trends, or even keep with it, I have been in this stuff all my working life. A typical suite of things I would try and emulate are at for web based pages. I am starting to use them with HTML. Unfortunately the perception seems to be a big battle. Which is why it is nice to see something fresh on the toolbox side of DAQF. No doubt your compiler update will free you up to look at the 'eye candy'

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JQ widgets are all browser based javascript controls.  They certainly look nice.  I don't think you'll be able to reproduce in the canvas control.  Technically, however, you could use the browser control and embed the jqwidgets, but you'd basically be bypassing a bit of what makes DAQFactory easy to use, not to mention having to buy a jqwidgets license.  We have been debating long and hard over whether to simply move the UI into browser based controls.  In addition to making the UI cross platform, it would allow advanced customers to write or import javascript controls (like jqwidgets).  The concern is performance primarily, and backward compatibility.

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That is very interesting that you should be contemplating a web based SCADA. I am effectively doing that on a limited basis at the moment and using a lot of open source and things like jqWidgets. While we are running DAQF as a standalone ie

We are getting more interest from limited dashboard type displays such as:



which are starting to use some demonstrations of the concepts. Obviously I can run a web page locally using a server on my local machine so that opens up a local control system to open source and other web based scripting. I am not sure where it is going at the moment, we have just done a presentation yesterday to a small conference on the concepts. But I would certainly encourage you to start blurring the edges between traditional SCADA and web platforms. There is a good WYSIWYG web designer available at which works well, generates good displays on its own and has the facility to create extensions, i am starting to do that with some of our charting and also the jqwidgets. The concepts are workable and create an attractive product. So encouragement. Unfortunately this industry does not stand still which can be tiring but also exhilerating. :)

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We already have Web Scada and have for 5 years.  Its called DAQConnect and its at  DAQFactory is unlikely to be a web server like you are thinking and DAQConnect provides.  What I was saying was using a browser to do the rendering for the pages.


The problem with using an actual web based SCADA tool is several fold:

1) security: if something is on the web it stands a good chance of being hacked, or at least subject to a DoS attack.  If your SCADA system is doing anything important, like switching valves and the like, putting it on the web is just asking for trouble.  That's why DAQConnect was created separate to DAQFactory.  DAQConnect is a web based SCADA system, but the data collection and any automation is left to the local SCADA tool (like DAQFactory) which can stay safely behind a firewall.  Then only the data on the web for DAQConnect is exposed and the core SCADA remains safe.

2) automation: you don't want to do automated control loops over the Internet.  The Internet is simply too unreliable.  Again, you are better off using something like DAQFactory locally, possibly with a more direct connection like VPN if you need a wide area of control, and then use DAQConnect to enable web based viewing and manual control.


Now, as for the sites you mentioned: the peakmonitoring site looks a little similar to DAQConnect, but I don't think it does real time updates.  Its also generating its graphs server side and sending an image, which means you have to refresh to get an updated graph.  DAQConnect uses javascript for everything so everything is rendered client side and updates as the data updates.  Its not as fast as DAQFactory, but it gives 3 second updates which is great for the Internet.


As for the web builder: DAQConnect offers drag and drop controls like DAQFactory.  They are designed for a browser, so aren't as extensive, but its still very easy to setup.  Programs like the web builder are fine, but if they are anything like FrontPage or Dreamweaver, they tend to leave a lot of extreneous junk in the HTML.


I guess the bottom line is check out  If you want to see a live site go to  The graphics aren't the best, but the site is publically facing.  Its embedded real time DAQConnect pages on a static home page.

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