Tick Spacing On X-Axis (Time) Obscuring Graph.


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I am having problems controlling tick spacing.  The bottom axis is time. I should note that this particular graph is a copy of an existing graph on the page.   I wanted this copy to show a 1-hour range vs.the original one, which only showed 1-minute.


I successfully changed the time range on the copy.  But, it is an unacceptable display as it is now, since the tick marks are so dense, they obscure the graph.  I saw a post on the forum from 2009, that indicated that if the X-axis is set to Date+Time, you cannot control the tick lines.  Hoping that the 2009 limitation had been fixed sometime over the past 5-years,  I took it off of "auto range".  But, nothing I type for grid spacing seems to have any effect. 


Attached is a screen grab illustrating the problem. Thank you for any advice,




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Are you talking about the red vertical lines?  Those aren't the ticks.  Those are axis annotations, which is something you added.  They were probably spread out when zoomed to 1 minute, but now look really dense at 1 hour.  Go to the axis annotation tab and remove anything there.

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Thank you for remembering that you suggested those annotation marks to put tick marks at the 1-second lines.  I had forgotten about that.  The automatic tick-marks on my 1-hour graph are actually reasonable


The annotation marks was added as a work-around on the 1-minute graph, because the automatic tick-marks were not acceptable,  and the graph was not permitting me to add custom tick marks settings at 1-sec intervals, due to limitations of the program.  I hope you are considering removing this limitation on a future release,  so we can set our desired tick-marks for the Time axis.



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