Open Opc Server By Ip Number?

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I have an OPC-DA server that i have verified that is contactable in other software (OPC Quick Client by Kepware) on my machine.


However, the same OPC server does not come up on a list in the "Browse for OPC item" dialog, in Channel Table View->Quick Note/Special/OPC line.


My machine is in a subnet but the OPC-DA server is verified contactable by it's hostname . . .  but there is no way to enter the hostname in the browse for OPC item dialog . . .



Can I somehow manually enter it's address and make it browse-able in DAQFactory?

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If the server is running on a different computer, the issue with browsing is likely due to DCOM security.  Check for DCOM security settings for OPC on the web. has some good articles on it.


You can manually enter tag information if you know the GUID of the OPC server, however, if you can't browse for the server, you aren't going to be able to browse the tags, again likely because of DCOM security settings.

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Incredibly, it gets more interesting than that.


The DCOM security settings i have checked - this is not the problem.


When browsing for machine, i can see the machine name in the local network (it is in a sub network behind a NAT). I cannot browse for machines behind (or rather, 'in front') of my local NAT.


However, when loading the tag list, i can see tag lists from a machine (of the same name) that is on a different sub-network (that one 'in front' of the NAT). It is so crazy that i have checked it 3 times. The tag list and values are definitely from there. I can definitely contact that 'global' OPC server by using local machine name . . . .


Isn't that cool?


Still, i would prefer if there was a way of just entering the fully qualified name of my OPC server by hand. . . . .

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You can't enter the name of the server, but you can use the GUID.  Once you have selected a tag, look at the Quick Note / Special / OPC column of the channel on the new OPC channels.  You'll see its made of a delimited string:


server Name (PC);OPC server GUID; tag


where server is the name of the computer the OPC server is running on (or nothing if local), OPC server GUID is a GUID for the OPC server, and tag is the name of the tag. 

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OK, it worked thank you.

I now understand that the server that DAQFactory contacted is the name as resolved by the "Server Name" in the Quick Note/Special column; it also works to just specify the tag name by hand. Grand.



By the way, is OPC-UA on the horizon? this would save me a lot of trouble of tunneling my OPC-UA instrumments through an third party OPC server . . . .

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