Change Text Size Inside Combo Box

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Previous DF version, the text will fit inside the Combo box. I'm using the latest DF software now and I couldn't figure out how to make the text to fit inside the box. see attachment.  

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Sorry, the attachment didn't come through.  Can you please repost, or email us at support@.  Try and show the whole page.  I believe what is happening is that the font size is being set by one of your other controls and not reset to the default.  I'd like to see what else you have on the screen so we can fix that other control.

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I saw that, but we really need a sample that reproduces.  Then it will be easy to fix.  If you can provide a simple .ctl (or even a complex one) that does this consistently, we'll get it fixed right away for you.  Otherwise, we'd be guessing as to the cause, and since we can't seem to reproduce it, we have no way of knowing if it actually fixed the problem.  You can email us at support@ if you don't want to post your application to the public.

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