Point Map Issues


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I attached two files, one with the point map for the device and one from the customers Modbus tcp.


We are using  read holding registers for contactor state of 1 or 0,  The registers from 1- 13 all have values but he is seeing only "0"s.

These should be actual numbers, we are not getting an error code and since we contactor state change as we toggle the contactor,

any ideas why we see "0" in these registers?  These values that come up "0" are not just 1 or 0, but a whole number.

Before it goes out TCP, I read values from these registers.




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 I was trying to post a question to a Modbus forum.  Now that I read about DacFactory, I understand this forum is to support your software only.

I don't know what the customer is using and I apologize for wasting your time.  I will look else where for answers.


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Not a waste and I'm glad to help, however, I need to know what you are actually using.    The contactor state doesn't start until register 40029.  You'd have to ask the hardware manufacturer about the first 13 registers reading 0.  It is likely a configuration issue on the hardware side, not a Modbus issue.

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