Loop with two variables requiring hysteris


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I need a script that turns on pump, P1 when atemperature sensor T1 is 10 degrees greator than temperature sensor T2 and keeps P1 running until temperature sensor T1 is less than 5 degrees greator than T2.


i have tried:

while (1)

 if ((T1[0] - T2[0] >= 10) && (T1[1] -T2[1] >= 10))

 P1 = 1


 if ((T1[0] - T2[0] <= 5 ) && (T1[1] -T2[1] <= 5))

 P1 = 0




this just turns the pump on and off once per second or so while 10 degree threshold is met.


have tried a few other iterations, but it justdoes not seem to like the variable sum on readings taken every second.


any help is appreciated!



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I did have a delay in the script I tried forgot to list it here.  Delay (1) after second endif.  P1 is digital output channel timing is 1 sec.

when I write a simpler script such as 

while (1)

 if T1 [0] > 80

 P1 = 1


Delay (0)



The pump turns on and remains on once T1 exceeds 80.  So channel appears to work.


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