.csv file imported to DaqFac

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How do I setup from the the beginning to import information from a csv file? The file will be saved with a time stamp every min. I need to set up daqFac to get the different file every min. Of course the file will be labeled differently with the timestamp. 

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The part I am struggling with is that a folder is created and then a .csv file is created in that folder. So every min a folder and file are created. So what I need is to have it go to the folder and file every min and input that information. 

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Yes the folder will have a name such as "C:\File-201706020723" and changes with the time. then the file would be like "201706020723 meter #123456". I am really new to this and need help I guess from start to finish. I tried following the ex in ch 9 but could not get the data to import. I know I am messing it up either in the channel configuration or the scripting. Thanks for your time and help. 

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OK, but I still don't see how you know what the folder name is if the file and folder are being created outside DAQFactory.  But let's say you have a variable named timeStamp that has the time, and meterNumber that has the desired meter number.  You can generate the full path using formatDateTime() and string concatenation:

private string path = "c:\File-" + formatDateTIme("%Y%m%d%H%M", timeStamp) + "\" + formatDateTIme("%Y%m%d%H%M", timeStamp) + " meter #" + meterNumber

If you are still having troubles, please provide detail on what you have done so far.

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