I need to purchase data acquisition software to download data on RS-422. Should I use AzeoTech?


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Right now I have the following components in my system:


1.    Laptop computer with USB port.

2.    Black box containing 56K bytes of data. It has an RS-422 port.

3.    USB to RS-422 converter (manufactured by Sealevel).

4.    RS-422 cable.


I need to send commands to the black box on the RS-422. And then I need to transfer data from the black box to the computer on the RS-422 and save the data in a binary file. Some of the bytes coming in will need to be discarded, but most will be saved to the file.


I need to design a simple user interface to do this. What is the best data acquisition software to do this with?


A long time ago I used a package called "Test Point" by Capital Equipment Corporation to build an RS-485 system. I loved that software, but apparently it is no longer sold. :( I know LabView is the most commonly used data acquisition package nowadays, but I have heard the learning curve is substantial. An engineer at Sealevel Systems recommended AzeoTech. I have also heard DASYLab is good. Just looking for advice and recommendations.


Thank you

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You are on a DAQFactory forum, so of course we will recommend DAQFactory.    DAQFactory has many flexible tools for communicating with serial based devices.  You can write some basic script to perform what you want.  I often even mock up protocol code within DAQFactory to get the logic right before transferring it to C++ code.  The tools make this method much easier.  I'd start by simply downloading  a trial of DAQFactory and see.  You may even be able to use the free Express version to achieve what you want.

I haven't heard about TestPoint in quite some time, and a check to their website shows it hasn't been updated since 2002, so you are probably right about it not being sold.  DASYLab is now actually owned by National Instruments.  It was originally owned by Measurement Computing, but MComputing got bought by NI a number of years ago so that NI could pick up the low cost market without sacrificing the premium they get for their NI branded equipment.  MComputing made a business of selling NI board copies for 1/2 the price.  DASYLab was not much different.  It uses the same wiring method that LabView does and costs less.

The problem with LabView / DASYLab is actually that wiring method.  It seems like it should be easy.  No programming, just wire things together.  But really it is still just programming, they've just layered wiring over top of it.  But "wiring" isn't the best way to program, that's why every other language, both for data acquisition as well as general applications use structured text programming.  So, in addition to be inefficient, and often yielding a unsupportable spaghetti mess, your only support is other LabView developers.  With DAQFactory and pretty much any other structured text based language, you can pretty much ask any experienced programmer to help you.  They may not have experience in the particular language you are using, but they'll be able to look at it and tell what is going on without much effort.

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Thank you for the very detailed reply!


I'm an EE, but it's been at least 15 years since I've done coding. (There was time when I was fairly proficient in Fortran, C++, MATLAB, etc. I mainly do stuff in Excel now.) I am going to give DAQFactory a try. Am just hoping the learning curve is not too steep.



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Well I just downloaded DAQFactory 17.1 Build 2309 (DAQFactoryInst_17_1.exe) onto my Dell laptop computer. When I try to run it, nothing happens. (I tried double-clicking, right click → run, and right click → run as administrator.) I tried rebooting the computer, and that didn't help. I downloaded it again, and that didn't help. The laptop is running Windows 10 (64 bit).



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Yes, my work email is .mil, and this project is indeed for work. But I am doing all of this on my personal computer, because it takes way too long for our IT people to approve software. ;)


So last night (from home) I downloaded DAQFactoryInst_17_1.exe. It is now on the computer's desktop. I then performed an update on Windows, powered down the computer, and then turned it back on.


I right-clicked on DAQFactoryInst_17_1.exe and chose "Run as administrator." Nothing happened. I then right-clicked on DAQFactoryInst_17_1.exe and chose "Open." Nothing happened. :(


I know .exe files can run on the computer, as last week I downloaded RS-422 *.exe software from Sealevel, and it ran fine.


I am not sure what's wrong. Should I try downloading an older version of DAQFactory?



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